Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Fracturing Country.

I just read an attempt to mitigate the blame for the report issued by the Department of Homeland Security regarding the threat posed by veterans. I am sure that many of you have read the report and perhaps have been following the updates. I am once again going to point out the imbalance in reporting.

In the report released by the AP, writer Eileen Sullivan stated "It (the report) drew angry reactions from Rehbein, conservative bloggers and Republican members of Congress who took to the House floor this week to criticize Napolitano, confirmed to her Cabinet position less than 100 days ago."

Is she trying to tell me that not one Democrat or Liberal criticized the DHS for this report? If this is the case that no Dem or Lib came out against this report then I feel that they need to be summarily removed from office and replaced by someone why understands why they have the freedom that they enjoy. Millions have served and died through the years and various wars and conflicts to ensure that they can have the right to sit in the prized positions that they currently occupy. These people are entitled to their opinion, but they are also responsible for that opinion. They should be dealt with accordingly.

I agree with the ‘republicans and conservatives on this issue, she should be removed or step down. She has no expertise that uniquely qualifies her to be in the position. Obviously this was a political favor appointment like so many others that are made after a new President is elected.

I am against cabinet appointments based solely on favor and not on experience.

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