I look at the headlines daily, more now that I have been RIF'ed, and I see the very subtle and not so subtle signs of a totalitarian government emerging. We may bypass Communism all together and devolve into a despot government style. I am beginning to believe that Mr Obama and his administration, because the president lacks the power to do this on his own, have an agenda to destroy all that we hold dear.
Yesterday I see that ABC News has been "turned over to Obama and that the news will be anchored from inside the White House." This just stinks of something some of our Muslim countries do. There have a strategy to manipulate the information we hear and read. This serves to shape Mr. Obama's actions into something more palatable to the American people. We are seeing an example of this power being exercised in Iran right now with the vote fraud thing going on over there. The media is having a difficult if not impossible time getting information out to the rest of the world.
There is no doubt that the America that we have known for our lifetimes has been changed into something that no longer resembles what it once was. This occurred on 9/11/2001. But, now 8 years later we have a man in office who IS Muslim, whether or not he wants to admit it, who came from obscurity in 2004 into the senate and now into our living rooms and pocketbooks as president and so called messiah. He appears to be finishing what the terrorists started on 9/11 by deconstructing what is left of our freedoms and free market economy.
It is no secret that the Muslim world has long detested our capitalist free market economy and have long wanted to see it collapse. I find it odd that as soon as Obama took office exactly that happened. Now, I hear the people who blame George Bush for this and they say that Obama "inherited" this problem, but lets roll back time a little lets say 8 years to the economy tanking on George Bush as soon as he took office. No one blamed the Clinton's for the Dot Com bust, though it was clearly a situation brought on by their administration. All of the money that was made in the late 1990's by "Internet Entrepreneurs" who had little more that a domain name and a flashy website. This was the time of the birth of companies like Yahoo and Google as well as some real flops. For every Yahoo or Google there were hundreds of sites that started up got venture capital and then folded. Never to be heard from again. All of this came to a head when George took office.
I believe and will say it again and again, that the media must stay out of politics and remain neutral and independent of we will soon see the end of that right. There will no longer be a free press. As soon as stories begin to conflict you will see Official stories and approved stories in the news. The other outlets will begin to disappear as there becomes less and less access to the 'real' news.
What will happen in 4 years when election time comes about? Will ABC be kicked out of the White House or will other candidates be given 'Equal Time' which is guaranteed by election law?
I will be back soon with more but this is all I have to say in this installment. Next we will look at the conflicts in the world as well as tyhose brewing at home like the new Blogger anonymity ruling... I thought that sources were protected under the constitution... Oh wait I guess that that is another bit of erosion to the freedom of the press and expression. Mark my words citizens.
Thomas Payne
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sorry it has been a while guys but I was put on a weird shift at work that kept me away. I am back now, however, and will resume the posts regularly. I was laid off due to a reduction in force. Isn't it funny that in my adult life there have been mostly Republican presidents who supposedly did not care for the little guy, but I was never laid off until now?
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